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This paper aims to illustrate and present the comprehensive characteristics of the Italian Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme specifically designed for packaging and packaging waste in the Commercial and Industrial (B2B).
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Overview and comparison of PRO fees between January and June/July 2024.
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Full study commisioned by CONAI to EGEN PNO on "Mapping of packaging deposit return schemes for recycling in EU.
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Mapping Deposit Refund Systems for packaging in Europe - Analysis of DRS for Re-cycling. The purpose of this document is to undertake an overview of DRS in use in Europe for Re-cycling, with a special focus on 5 countries (Germany, Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia and the Netherlands).
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3°° Report commissioned by CONAI to the Wuppertal Institut in which PRO’s Fee of different Countries in Europe were assessed and compared in the period between January and July 2023 and January 2024.
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Summary of the study commissioned from Bocconi and Wuppertal Institut, promoted by CONAI and supported by Expra, with the aim of evaluating the performance of the activities carried out by the PROs within the various European EPR regimes in terms of both economic efficiency and recycling effectiveness and to evaluate the specific positioning of CONAI.
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2° Report commissioned by CONAI to the Wuppertal Institut in which PRO’s Fee of different Countries in Europe were assessed and compared in the period between January and June 2023.
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This document shows the methodology adopted and proposes a comparison between the recycling rates and the FEEsʼ values adopted by the PROs, in order to verify whether a linear correlation between the 2 variables exists.
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This document describes the pathway pursued by CONAI to conceive the guidelines for the environmental labeling of packaging and the related tools and initiatives dedicated to the enterprises.
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CONAI study developed in collaboration with the Renewable Matter Center which investigates the degree of management, financial and operational activities carried out by the main EPR Organizations for packaging (defined as "Main PRO"), which operate in each of the 17 countries considered, with the aim of evaluate their role and performance within their respective national markets.
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Abstract of the study on the efficiency of the EPR system in Europe, carried out by Bocconi University and promoted by CONAI.
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Document that collects the main data of a study carried out by the Renewable Matter Center for CONAI. The study is dedicated to the analysis and comparison of the packaging and packaging waste management regimes currently active in Europe, and to the positioning of the Conai System in this context.
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The project aims to identify and assess the performance of different packaging waste Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) systems across Europe, with a focus on the activities conducted by the Producer Responsibility Organizations (PROs).
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Abstract dello studio sull'efficienza dei sistema EPR in Europa, realizzato dall'Università Bocconi per conto di CONAI.
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Full report by the Wuppertale Institute, commissioned by CONAI, which analyzes and compares EPR's fees in EU between 2022 and 2023.
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This papaer provides an overview on how and why the CONAI fee modulation has been introduced since 1997.
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Mapping Deposit Refund Systems for packaging in Europe - Analysis of DRS for Re-use and Re-cycling The purpose of this document is to undertake an overview of DRS in use in Europe in both Re-use and Re-cycling, with a special focus on 5 countries (Germany, Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia and the Netherlands).
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This document is an overview of a study of the Bocconi University - Green research centre commissioned by CONAI for the purposes of assessing the costs bound up with setting up a Deposit Refund System for Re-cycling, DRS, in Italy with a view to achieving the recycling collection goals set out in European Directive 2019/904 on reducing the environmental impact of certain plastics (SUP).
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Full study commisioned by CONAI to EGEN PNO on "Mapping of packaging deposit return schemes in EU".
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Documento di sintesi che raccoglie i dati principali di uno studio realizzato dal Centro Materia Rinnovabile per CONAI. Lo studio è dedicato all’analisi e al confronto dei regimi di gestione degli imballaggi e dei rifiuti di imballaggio attualmente attivi in Europa, e al posizionamento del Sistema Conai in questo contesto.
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Paper relativo allo studio CONAI sviluppato in collaborazione con il Centro Materia Rinnovabile che approfondisce il grado delle attività di gestione, finanziaria ed operativa svolte dalle principali Organizzazioni EPR per gli imballaggi (definita “Main PRO”), che operano in ciascuno dei 17 Paesi considerati, allo scopo di valutarne il ruolo e le performance all’interno dei rispettivi mercati nazionali.
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Il documento propone un confronto tra le performance di riciclo e l’entità dei FEE applicati dai sistemi PRO considerati, allo scopo di verificare se esista una relazione lineare tra queste due variabili, ossia se sia vero che a più alti tassi di riciclo corrispondano FEE più alti.
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Il documento effettua una ricognizione dei sistemi DRS in Europa, sia per il Riutilizzo che per il Riciclo, con un focus particolare su 5 Paesi (Germania, Svezia, Lituania, Estonia e Olanda).
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Il presente documento riassume lo studio della Università Bocconi – Green, commissionato da CONAI al fine di valutare i costi relativi ad un'introduzione di un Sistema di Deposito per il Riciclo, DRS, in Italia per raggiungere gli obiettivi di raccolta per riciclo stabiliti dalla Direttiva europea 2019/904 sulla riduzione dell’incidenza di determinati prodotti di plastica sull’ambiente, SUP.
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Sintesi dello studio commissionato a Bocconi e Wuppertal Institut, promosso da CONAI e supportato da Expra, con lo scopo di valutare le performance delle attività condotte dalle PRO nell’ambito dei diversi regimi EPR europei in termini sia di efficienza economica sia di efficacia di riciclo e di valutare il posizionamento specifico di CONAI.
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Event key takeaways. Efficiency trough diversity: EPR best practices across the EU (Bruxelles, 26 - 27 September 2022)
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EPR Congress 2022 - Organised by EXPRA with the support of CONAI (Bruxelles, 26 - 27 September 2022)
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One-size-fits-all won’t work: EPR Organisations call on the European Commission to recognise and respect their local role in achieving packaging circularity (Bruxelles, 26 - 27 September 2022).