The project to fight against food waste ‘Doggy Bag’ presented in Milan

18 November 2016
Categoria:  News e-Gazette
Tag: food-waste, Comieco

The project “Doggy bag – Eat Your Leftovers, created by Comieco, the National Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose Packaging, in collaboration with Slow Food. The project, whose goal is minimising food waste and one of the central themes of Expo 2015, is to introduce Italy to the habit of taking home food and drinks not consumed during a meal in a restaurant, in the name of an “economy of recovery” even when considering food. Comieco wanted to promote this initiative, involving eminent partners such as professor Andrea Kerbaker and the architect Michele de Lucchi, who looked after the ‘direction’, as well as leading designers and illustrators for the creation of these sets of recyclable packages that are not simply left over containers to further to reduce food waste, but represent a real ‘cultural’ challenge. The project launched in early April in Milan, hose of EXPO 2015, at first involving a series of restaurants in the city and the province of Lombardy and, through various steps, will be carry on through to October.