This section for businesses (whether they have or have not yet joined the consortium) serves as a guide on how to handle the technical side of your obligations, with a special focus on joining CONAI and applying the Environmental Contribution to any steel, aluminium, paper, wood, plastic, bioplastic and glass packaging.
It also provides updated information on various topics of interest, such as: illustrative, non-exhaustive lists of any items that are considered packaging or non-packaging, a list of all the recycling centres across Italy that will take and recycle secondary and tertiary packaging waste, as well as the use of the CONAI Trademark.

Information concerning the procedures for the accession to the National Packaging Consortium.
Normative references and classification of non-packaging items considered.
The indications for the proper management of the Environmental Contribution, established for each packaging material and place the responsibility of consortium members.
The list of platforms consortium for the management of industrial and commercial packaging waste.